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Here is a British success story. “Careful, steady on, I hear you say!” Over 3 years in the development of inteligent softening and water filtration has lead to a whole new way of improving water at home and at work, particulalrly in hospitality.

I am quietly excited and confident about this.

Working with European Water over the last few years, knowing that something new and better is just around the corner has been quite a wait, but let me explain why I think it is not just “good” but better for coffee taste and more ecological at the same time.

Over the last decade, hospitality has become used to either putting large plastic water filter containers into landfill once a year or relying on a British company (named above) to collect the containers harvest the carbon resin and discard or recycle the plastic outer. This can now end as there is a new clean system.

In previous experiments with changing our water filter in the roastery, it has been rare to have a better result than we have. The new IX on its lowest setting has made things better here.

Here are a few facts to throw into the mix. Once you buy your new filter, you shouldn’t need another one. Once the filter expires, you can unlock the filter canister, put in a new cartridge and hand the old one back to the supplier, (that could be us) who then sends it back to the manufacturer. The next part is pure genius. European Water, then refresh the carbon and resell the canister. This makes your water filter cheaper and so much greener. There is no excuse for putting big lumps of plastic into the ground any more. On top of all of this, your coffee will taste at least as good as it did with other brands of filter. How good is this?

There is more to say in the clever and technical department. But as a starting point and a few weeks playing around with how things are tasting with the first version of this filter.  This is such a great advancement and it is a real success.