Colombia Finca Las Brisas
Colombia Finca Las Brisas One Roast
This coffee takes me back to 2000 when (the legendary) Bill McAlpin from La Minita visited us when we were packing coffee in a shed on the family farm in the early days of JGC. Bills’ coffees were on a different level from what was available all those years ago. I met other roasters from other parts of the world who also experienced the legendary Narino coffees of La Minita imprinted on their sensory minds. Colombian Finca Las Brisas is sweet and savoury at the same time. You can take time over it or you can quaff it. I love it.
Farm Stats
(Top Trumps if you prefer)
Farmer: Fabian Marcos Gomez
Farm; Finca Las Brisas
Area:, El Berlin, Tolima, Colombia
Hectares: 8 in total, 6 in coffee production.
Altitude: Meters above sea level 2110
Varietal: Colombian F8, Caturra,
Process: Double Fermented Honey Process 48Hours + 30 Hours
Roast: One Roast
Cup Potential 🥣
Aromatics: Deeply savoury and sweet | Body:creamy | Acidity: Citric & apple |
Starting off with a canvas of apples, this lot is decorated with (sensorily speaking) citrus and cocoa. Unlike our last lot Finca El Mirador, Las Brisas needed a completely different style of roast/preparation to flourish.
Once the initial craziness in the cup settles, this becomes a soft and sweet filter brew. Gradually the liquor sweetens as it cools with a sparkle of citric acidity and a long delicious lingering cocoa finish.
Filter Recipe:
57g a litre and upwards in filter. I have brewed this in so many ways and enjoyed all of them…
Espresso Recipe:
If you can choose your brew temperature on your machine, I would opt for “Hot” or Maximum with the likes of a Sage Barista Pro or if you can set your brew temperature then 95C is a good place to start.
In a 9oz milk-based drink, this is chocolatey, malty and very present for a light roast.
In 6oz with milk, there is big cocoa, dark chocolate and citrus.
Espresso: 17g of coffee- into 50g(ish) of espresso liquid. 30-40 seconds. All of the great bits of the filter profile, the savoury and the citrus come through. It is bright but also balanced.
Farm Stuff.
This is another nano lot from The Green Collection. John and Claudia have owned their own farm in Tolima, which was taken over by rebels years ago and their mission is to offer stability to small-scale producers, by paying premiums.
You can find Finca Las Brisas here: 324597162N 75.69587176W 262W
Does it get better than discovering and working with micro-producers?
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