JGC News The Professional Espresso Grinder a brief modern history and what now? Part One. A decade in trade espresso grinding. Over the last years, grinders have changed for the better. In food-service,…Peter JamesSeptember 29, 2020
JGC News Coffee Climate Resilience and Sustainability in Brazilian Coffees Coffee Climate Resilience and Sustainability in Brazilian Coffees Climate Change and severe climate has been impacting Brazilian Arabica…Peter JamesSeptember 15, 2020
JGC News Komal and Akshay A New and Fresh view on the great coffees of India I think I can safely say that…Peter JamesAugust 28, 2020
JGC News Two words in coffee make me R E A L L Y angry. Want to know why? There are hundreds, if not thousands of people roasting coffee now. This is fantastic. Some are great at…Peter JamesAugust 17, 2020
JGC News An alternative view of things from Oli, Head cyclist, roaster at James Gourmet Coffee and more… A positive outcome? It’s been a strange time for the country and the world, and our way of…Peter JamesAugust 4, 2020
JGC News The Business of Coffee Conundrum Guest Blog is written by our friend of many years Hugh Gilmartin. The Business of Coffee Conundrum Don’t…Peter JamesJuly 9, 2020
JGC News Organic Simply Brazil. If you have read my over-communicated under-delivered explanation about "What does organic mean" in the coffee world, you…Peter JamesJuly 3, 2020
JGC News What does Organic mean in coffee terms? What does organic mean? Today, as we re-launch Organic Simply Brazil, I wanted to write a little bit…Peter JamesJuly 3, 2020
JGC News Filter Coffee Maths. The last thing most of our customers do is think about money when they are making their favourite…Peter JamesJune 12, 2020
JGC News Can you keep up? Whilst working on what the new, new is, we are busily trying to make our coffee lives more…Peter JamesJune 5, 2020