Peruvian Frutos del Corcovado
Peruvian Frutos del Corcovado One Roast
Number One?
Here is our first Peruvian of the new harvest. I am shocked by just how good this coffee is. New crop coffees always have a vibrant edge over other origins that can be waning. A mere few years ago Peru was often a cheap and underrated origin and as a result, it is like a new origin to many consumers.
It is so easy to describe a coffee as being sweet. This is ridiculously so and also a coffee that we are going to try and keep in our affordable section to maintain that promise.
Country: Peru
Department: Cajamarca
District: Chontali
Community: Miraflores
Average Farm Size: 12 hectares
Producers number: 8
Varieties: Caturra and Catuai
Altitude farm: 1800 – 2100 meters above sea level
Main Harvest period: June – November
Processing: Fermentation of 12-18 hours (cement tanks) Washed with clean water
Drying: Dried on solar dryers for 15 – 20 days
Cup potential:
Aromatics: Sweet and ripe | Body: Light | Acidity: Soft, ripe, apple and carob.
In a cupping bowl: this is delicate and sweet with ripe brown fruit sugars, stewed apple and, a touch of citrus on the finish. As the liquor cools, every element of the coffee just gets sweeter and sweeter. possibilities of carob and black grape in the fruits.
Roast level: Light-Medium Filter.
Filter recipe: 60-65g per litre.
I wasn’t really expecting this roast to work in espresso. A few colour points can turn this from being vigorous and vibrant into a much less enjoyable coffee, in my experience. There was no big change of recipes, which I have had to do in recent times too.
Recipe: 17 into 34g in 30-35 seconds. 93-94C for milk-based driks. 17g into 45-50g for espresso in 30-40 seconds.
In milk drinks, somehow this coffee stands up surprisingly well, even up to our 9oz. The finish is quite pronounced. This led me to think that this would result in a screamingly sour espresso. In our 6oz (flat white) this is so fruity and citric through the milk. The espresso is unsurprisingly bright but is an essence of the cupping bowl, that was all sugars.
Back story
You may have bought Cajamarca coffees from us before. Cajamarca’s availability and popularity have increased in recent years. Dreyde Delgado comes from the countryside in this region and he is the one who provides technical assistance to farmers with a specific focus on post-harvest practices. This is where so much value can be added to coffee. Dreyde is especially passionate about improving farmers’ processing techniques and developing protocols to maximize the expression of a variety’s flavour.
Chontalí is located in the upper part of the Huayllabamba river basin, which makes the lands in this region very fertile. The existence of several ecological spheres at different altitude zones in Chontalí and its rugged topography creates extensive cloud forests. These provide a great diversity of fauna and flora which are of economic, scientific, and cultural importance.
The name of this lot is in honor of that mountain. This mountain is considered to be the guardian, the patron, or “apu” by locals, and is the habitat of a variety of medicinal plants, caves, and waterfalls.
*“Apu” is a Quechua word that means hill and is said to be like visionary guardians, within.