• Nilgiri All Day Tea Bags

Nilgiri All Day Tea Bags

From: £6.00

This product is currently out of stock and unavailable.

Hi there,

I hate to say it, but due to many religious (and other) festivities around the globe, this has meant that our fab-tea bags are out of stock, due to an increase in demand! Yay!. We have scheduled a new run of bags for the very beginning of 2024, so expect them to be in your cupboard from mid-January all being well.

Nilgiri All Day Tea Bags


I cannot express, just how excited I am to bring you these Nilgiri All Day Tea Bags. This tea represents a journey, that I am proud to be a part of. This tea is so important to me and each time you put the kettle on for a brew and dunk your bag, this is what you are supporting and how we got to this point.

Firstly, Indian Tea Garden owners in the south, typically make a pittance. The tea (in each bag) has been selectively hand-picked and “we” have paid between 7 and 10 times the going rate for tea that has been picked to perfection and is typically delivered on foot at the tea studio for preparation. This tea is then withered and oxidised and made into a black tea, that we know as Black Pearl. The Studio is a woman-first, innovative, empowered workplace. This fantastic Tea is then shipped to us in the sleepy town of Ross on Wye.


We have been lucky enough to meet a British Teabag manufacturer, who has made us some (thousands) of beautiful tagged, biodegradable, GM-free, tea bags, each one with a picture of Indi on his Norton Motorbike with his pug (dog) Max. We have also made friends with a tea bag company that fills tea bags too. Both of these companies are huge by our scale and local to us but have treated us with incredibly good humor and respect.

We could have made teabags with ordinary tea, but why would we do that? Anyone can put dust into paper and make water brown, I guess!  To make this tea suit more people, we have made a big throw of 3g. This is what Indi calls “a la Yorkshire!” This is an Indian gentleman who has a unique insight into the tea industry for over four decades.

For your information. This journey is not about profit, it is literally about sharing something that we really care about.

With all of this said, these bags can re-steep.

More Nilgiri Teas


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