Guatemala Catarina Ramirez One Roast
Guatemala Catarina Ramirez
Years ago, when I understood less about coffee, (narrow-mindedly) I only wanted to taste and drink the very best of the latest crop. When travelling (I was less excited than I might be today) seeing someone roast coffee in an earth oven (Wow!) and then brewing it a few hours later. Some coffees actually improve with age and we can prove it too, with clever gizmos (moisture activity meters) and more importantly, our tastebuds.
There is coffee that is decent and pleasing and there is coffee that makes you flipping joyous because it is that little bit better than you could have hoped for. Sound familiar? Guatemala Catarina Ramirez makes me happy! This is a micro-lot and one of the very best Guatemalan coffees that we have been able to get hold of over the last 3 crops. We have changed the status of this to a “One Roast” as it is so deeply sweet and has lots of soluble to cut through dairy, for those who like to. It will require a top grinder to work in espresso well.
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Farm; Yinta Witz
Size: 1 Hectare
Country: Guatemala
Owner: Catarina Ramirez
Nearest Town: Concepcion- Huista
Region: Huehuetenango
Altitude: 1560-1620 Meters above sea level.
Varietals: Caturra and Catuai
Shade Trees: Chalum and Gravilea
Process: Washed and sun-dried on the patio.
Roast: One Roast.
Cup Potential:🥣
Aromatics; A promise of Ripe and Tropical fruit| Body Creamy on cooling| Acidity: Brown fruit sugars, boozy.|
On opening, Catarina Ramirez’s coffee is flawlessly ripe and sweet. Brown fruit sugars (think carob & date-like sweetness) with that crisp, dry finish. On cooling, it tastes like ripe, sherry fruits. A truly cuddly, covetable high-cocoa content chocolate.
Filter 60g per litre and up, for body.
If you are going to brew this in espresso, you will need a good grinder to make this work well. Catarina Ramirez worked on 13 on our Niche Zero coffee grinder. This is quite fine. We also set it up on a Swan, but don’t expect you all to have these at home or work, for that matter.
Milk-based shots: Ratio (1;2) 17-18g into 34g in 25-30 seconds 94C-95C
9oz vessel, with whole milk. Milk chocolate, Sugar cane
6oz vessel milk-based-whole milk. Chocolate bourbon, Boozy chocolate mousse.
Espresso recipe: 17g into 45/50g of liquid in 28-35 seconds.
Black grape, grape must, gooseberry, delicate.
The rules are, there are no rules, if you are enjoying it!
Farm info
In 2013, Catarina took on Yinta Witz. Planting the first seedlings, some 2 years later. A first-generation farmer farming (what translates to be “The Front of The Mountain”) whilst her husband provides as a migrant labourer. Catarina is part of the (very new 2016) Sandero Cooperative that provides support to small producers. El Sandero is pro-gender equality and supportive of young producers.
Amongst the many reasons why this coffee is outstanding. I am of the mind that this slower fermentation due to temperature at altitude is a big part of the incredible sweetness in this lot. Attention to detail and small scale just makes this lot special. This is a farm to watch for the future.
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We have sourced this coffee via Primavera where we source our early-season Guatemalan coffees. They are award-winning in their model and though a young company, they are also coffee producers and processors. Catarina Ramirez is part of the premium “arcoíris” (rainbow) range, from Primavera Coffee. This range is the wild, fruity end of their offering, and coffees like this are worth their weight in loveliness.