Fellow Duo Coffee Steeper
Fellow Duo Coffee Steeper
There has been a lot of new interest in immersion brewing, in recent times. Of course, we had to buy and try one first. These are no new invention, but they are interesting, in a good way.
The Fellow Duo Coffee Steeper is an Immersion Brewer and sits somewhere between a clever dripper, a swiss gold filter, and a French press. It’s a simple brewer that you can be experimental with. When we have used really light roasts and ground them as fine as a V60, we found the brew was a little over-powering and quite cloudy. Easing off on particle size (making the grind coarser) sweetened up the drink, a lot. The video below suggests that you can get a clear cup of coffee from this and you can, but it might be another process you need to add (putting through a filter) or grind the coffee so coarse that your extraction will be very light.
Good points:
Great simple design. Easy to take apart and clean. Repeatable delicious cups of coffee. Looks good and makes a decent amount of coffee.
Not so good points:
Not cheap. Coffee is going to be cloudy like a French press or cafetiere.