• Assam Broken Orange Pekoe Leaf Tea

Assam Broken Orange Pekoe

From: £8.50


Assam Broken Orange Pekoe

Assam Broken Orange Pekoe

We now ship our Assams direct from India. What you will (or might) notice is that our tea quality has improved, particularly if you drink tea without milk. We are paying more for our teas, buying them directly. The value is in the cup and more is paid in India. We are not aiming to profit more from trading this way, the plan is to maintain the same amount per kilo. As with our coffee ethos, this journey has always been about ingredients, not money. Years ago we would differentiate teas as screens, or sizes. Today it is less relevant as the teas are bought for flavour in the same way a Kenya AB could be tastier than a Kenya AA or peaberry in coffee terms.

Assam Broken Orange Pekoe is one of our most popular teas. This is not the old robust number of years ago, but it is cleaner and a much nicer drink. You will find that this tea features in our House Blend Tea, which has recently had a re-vamp and we (admittedly being completely biased) think it tastes great.

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