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Last December one of our longest-standing customers (and friends) asked T H E questions, being… how much are things going up and when? I wrote a piece about holding onto prices for as long as we could and there will be a £5 bag for the foreseeable future at home. The longer I put this off the worse it will be for everyone and I am not making any excuses or whinging, that annoys me almost as much as the word crisis. The gas bill going up is not in the same category of words as the invasion of Ukraine.

This is a gentle, honest message to say that we haven’t put up our blend prices in 6 years and the time has come that they have to increase a little. I am not going to write a whole explanation about it, because if you are a consumer in any other area (apart from British potatoes apparently)  you will already know. So, it’s sorry that we have had to put up our prices a little, as of the beginning of July.

If it is any consolation, I have been fighting this for months.