• Uganda Rwenzori Natural

Uganda Rwenzori Natural One Roast

From: £7.25

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Uganda Rwenzori Natural One Roast

Uganda Rwenzori Natural

Here is the main crop from the Rwenzori mountains of Uganda. After the dreamy complexity of the fly crop we received in the Autumn, the bar is set so high that this coffee (although very decent) was so hard to share.  We are now 750 Kilos in and many sample roasts later, finally, we are ready! This is still a tasty, ripe delicious and fruity coffee.

Farm Stats

(Top Trumps if you prefer)

Farmers: Smallholder farms average size of 1/2 hectare.

Mill; Rwenzori Coffee Company

Area: Rwenzori, westen Uganda

Altitude: 1200 to 2300 Meters above sea level

Varietals: SL28, SL34

Process: Natural

Roast: One Roast

Cup Potential 🥣

Aromatics: Ripe summer fruits | Body: Medium | Acidity: Jammy and sweet|

As this coffee approaches drinking temperature, there is a mixture of strawberry and golden fruit sugars. The levels of sweetness and fruit are so much better for the coffee resting. The fruit is broad and sweet, with flavours like pear and deep sweetness with tannins, like red grapes. On cooling there is some dark chocolate and dry cocoa finish.

Filter Recipe: This is a great filter brew. 65g per litre in cafetiere will be spot on with all of the other things in place.

Espresso Potential.

Recipe:16-18g into 32-36g of espresso liquid in 25-30 seconds. 95+C seems to work for milk-based drinks.

9oz Milk-based drink: This is more like a fruit pudding than a coffee. Best with whole milk, it loves you back.

6oz Milk-based drink: I often use the word MORE with flat whites, but that is the point. More flavour, less milk.  More ripe fruit sugars, deeper chocolate, and that finish that crops up in filter brewing.

Espresso: This just didn’t work (for me) at 93C(+.5C) By adding 1 degree C, to 94.5C lifted the mist away and the tannins became sugars, and that rich, ripe jammy fruity theme came into the espresso.

16-18g of coffee into 45g of espresso liquid  28-36 seconds.

Local/ Farm Info

This coffee comes to us via Agri-Evolve, and Omwani. This is the sum of many smallholder farmers, with great processing. JW of Omwani, is a co-founder of Agri-Evolve and still a shareholder today. Agri-Evolve is a purpose-for-profit enterprise, helping thousands of smallholder farms in Uganda. As you may have read above, they are working hard to improve quality and in my opinion, are doing an amazing job. This will in turn increase value for the whole chain  These are exciting times indeed for Ugandan coffee.

If you fancy sharing your brews with us, there is always JG Instagram





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