• Rhino Coffee Gear Towels

Rhino Coffee Gear Towels


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Rhino Coffee Gear Towels

I could have just written the brand, slapped a price on, and crossed my fingers that someone buys a set at some point in the future! Back in the olden (pre-2010!) coffee days, a clever young man, who has an enormous following these days…had a great idea. Brewing espresso with a 3 cloth system. This is a really economic way of achieving the same effect.

One cloth colour for portafilter, one for a steam lance, and another for surfaces. Coffee is a very messy business and cloths can be a good part of the solution in terms of keeping your work area clean.

Rhino Coffee Barista Cloths are made with a unique blend of polyamide and polyester. They’re easy to rinse and quick to dry, the perfect mix for baristas at home or work

Three coloured cloths from Rhinowares.

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