House Blend Tea

From: £8.00


House Blend Tea

In recent times we have had to make some big changes with our House Blend Tea. The Nuwara Eliya had become a new variant of dust and the Assams dull. A combination of buying better quality teas and shouldering the costs has made this something we consider, a delicious all-round tea. We still have the same ratios of teas in the blend, they have just improved.

James’ unique combination of Nuwara Eliya, Assam Broken Orange Pekoe, and fabulous China Yunnan.

Altogether a sweet, chocolatey, balanced, and really tasty tea.

Good with milk, or drink black with less tea, a shorter steep, and a cooler temperature.

If you would like to try these elements separately, you can buy the Assam here

and the Nuwara Eliya here, and who knows, maybe one day we will sell the Yunnan one of these days? Let us know if you are interested.

If you want to share your tea brews with us, you can start here


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