Guatemala Huehuetenango Juan Marcos
Guatemala Huehuetenango Juan Marcos Filter Roast
It might seem unusual to be launching a new Guatemalan coffee in December for us, however, we have been enjoying this filter brew so much and thought it a shame not to share. Sometimes we forget, how nice it is, just to drink a nice, clean simple filter brew.
Top Trumps:
Farm: T’zn Wit’z, Which for reasons of pronunciation, we now know as Finca Juan Marcos.
Co-operative: El Sendero
Town: Concepcion Huista
Owner: Juan Marcos
Region: Huehuetenango
Process: Fully Washed and dried on patios
Altitude: 17-1750 Meters above sea level
Varietals: Caturra and Bourbon
Roast: Light Filter
Cup Potential:
Aromatics: Intensely sweet| Body Light |Acidity Low, sweet and apple|
As soon as water hits the grounds, this coffee is intensely sweet. Initially, there s a burst of dark chocolate upfront, with a caramel, brown sugar sweetness. Lots of soft red/ brown apple sweetness and a soft dry citrus finish.
Recipe: Start with 60g a litre.
Farm Stuff:
Juan Marcos is a first-generation coffee producer living in Concepcion Huista in the Huehuetenango region of Guatemala. Juan grows his coffee on the slopes of T’Zun-Witz. The name is a local indigenous language Popti and means “Birth on the Hill” or “Birth of the Hill”. The farm has had this name for the past 50 years. During the harvest, Juan picks his coffee in two picking passes to ensure that only the ripe cherries are picked. The cherries are de-pulped right away after the picking and transported with horses to be fermented in plastic tubs for 36 hours. After the coffee is washed and dried on patios for six days. Eventually, the parchment is sorted by hand and stored till dry-milled by the exporter.
Juan is part of a cooperative El Sendero which provides coffee producers support and information around Concepcion Huista in the Huehuetenango region.
Thoughts From The Producer
“We bought this farm together with a few other producers because previously we used to work as peasants. With microcredit provided by the cooperative El Sendero, we were able to start with coffee production in 2010. We divided the land into our own plots which we manage separately”, explains Juan.