Guatemala Finca La Bendicion Espresso

From: £6.00

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Guatemala Finca La Bendicion Espresso

Guatemala Finca La Bendicion Espresso

Here begins our third season with Finca La Bendicion. When we first tasted the pre-shipment of the crop this year, we could hardly believe just how consistent a producer Juan Mendez is. One of the most exciting things in our “job”? “work”? is not only the discovery of the new and exciting but also the reminder of the essence of how good a producer is as the new crop swings round again.

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Bendicion translates to “Blessings” which is unsurprisingly a celebratory, ecclesiastical term.

Country: Guatemala

Area:  El Pajal, San Antonio Huista,

Region: Huehuetenango

Varietals: Caturra, bourbon and Catuai

Process: Washed and dried on patios

Farmer: Juan Alberto Mendez

Cup potential:

Aromatically sweet and chocolaty, in a cupping bowl, this is like drinking a fruitcake, with currants, red grape and brown sugars. We have roasted and brewed this inside out and just love this as filter and espresso.  Roasting new crop Guatemalan coffees for espresso is interesting. Higher moisture and fresh juicy acidity means that we have to make choices in the roasting to decide how much of the integrity of the coffee to deliver. We have roasted this short of traditional espresso (where everything is rounded and balanced) to a point where you get some of the high-altitude juicy-goodness but not overly sourness. This will also work through milk if it is around when the weather cools…??? I am hoping for a long hot summer!

We are brewing this 1:2 also known as a starting point of 16-17g of coffee into 35g +/- Extraction  guide 25-39 secs

Farm Stuff

At the age of 18, Juan Alberto started his career in coffee by planting some coffee trees on land he inherited from his mother’s family. Juan Alberto sold these plants as one and two-year seedlings to neighbouring farms to fund growing his own plants to later start his own plantation. Slowly Juan Alberto built his business and then bought more land to grow more coffee.

When Alberto’s father saw how carefully and well he was growing and looking after the coffee, he gave him his plantations too and now he has a family he is more determined than ever to grow and deliver great coffee, which we think he is doing!!

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