Ethiopian Yirgacheffe Bule Adado
Ethiopian Yirgacheffe Bule Adado Natural
Here is a coffee that I have been buying (when I can) for as long as I can remember. For me, Bule Adado is a “life” or “game” changing coffee. The odd thing is that although this is a coffee of enormous character and delicacy and an absolute charmer. I am still not able to work directly with a human, sadly. This is not an easy fix, with 1273 smallholder farmers, involved. The cooperative is as close as we can get short of a few flights. So, you could say that buying this coffee is a little self-indulgent? I wrote a very short piece on Ethiopian coffee here, if of interest.
Top Trumps:
Owner: Adado Co-operative
Members: 1273 smallholders, of which 204 are women. Plus 185 seasonal staff, in the harvest.
Harvest: October to February
Location: Daro kebele, in the border with Adado kebele and next to Aboole River, Bule District, Gedeo Zone, SNNPR national region
Altitude: 1950-2060 Meters above sea level
Process: Natural
Varietals: Kudhume, Welisho, Dego
Roast: Light Filter. Cool dropped.
Cup Profile Filter:🥣
Based on 60-65g per litre
|Aromatics: Herbal and red fruit| Body: Light | Acidity: Ripe sweet, and soft.|
It’s coffees like this that make me say out loud ” I flipping love this job!” On opening, this starts off with a soft dry citrus, ripe clean strawberry (?), and soft apple sweetness with a lingering finish. This is multi-layered and there is much going on. On the next pass, the acidity dips, and the fruit sugars deepen. In the cup, there are white and blue fruit sugars, punctuated by that long aniseed and dry citrus finish. As the liquor cools, this cocktail of a coffee softens into one layer. All I can say at this point is, can I start again, please?
Espresso Recipe, if you are feeling daring
Milk-based drinks recipe. 19g of coffee into 32g of espresso 32-35 seconds. 94C
9oz Milk-based drink. This shouldn’t really work, but somehow it just does. Those unique characteristics of the cupping bowl, subtly appear. Little floral hints and the deep ripeness of fruit. I might have enjoyed this more than the…
6oz Milk-based drink. In whole milk, this was a lot like drinking millionaire shortbread, naturally without the diabetic consequences! Salty, shortbread, chocolatey…yumminess.
Espresso. We found that a little more temperature rather than volume of coffee was a better option. 94-96C 16-17g of coffee into 45-50g of liquid in 26+ seconds. By all means, try and see what you like. In the cup, there are sours and juicy fruits. If you like intensity, the 19g into 30-32g is interesting. I am most likely going to be brewing this in a filter and adding only water….but that’s me.
Farm Stuff
Adado is a primary cooperative part of Yirgacheffe Coffee Farmers Cooperative Union (YCFCU). Unions such as YCFCU were created with government support to help primary co-operatives market and sell coffee. As a service provider, is in their interest and part of their MO to represent each individual washing station. Coffees from a union won’t have a generic label. They will always be traceable up to the kebele level. In a market where coffees from different areas are sometimes blended to fulfill contracts based on price points, YCFCU only exports coffee from the Gedeo Zone. And, as they don’t own the coffee, they can’t blend lots from different washing stations unless all parts agree and state the mix transparently on the lot name. A little like champagne, cheddar cheese, or a Melton Mowbray Pork pie or even Stilton ( has never been made in Stilton).
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