Ethiopian Natural Ye Genet
Ethiopian Natural Ye Genet Espresso Roast
Natural process coffees can be so many things, in flavour terms. When we choose to drink or rest them is another whole subject. We really liked this lot because of its sweetness, subtlety, and perfume.
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Ye Genet Mill, Owned by Mr. Tsegaye Hagos , who Also owns Sasaba.
Area: Guji
Producers: Small Holder farmers
Altitude: 1900-2250 Meters above sealevel
Process: Natural
Cup Profile
lemon Curd, jasmine and pineapple are our words of flavour suggestion for this coffee. This is far from your average boozy or meaty natural. If you are familiar with coffee processes; think subtle, ripe and sweeter than you may expect from a washed coffee from Guji or Yirgacheffe.
Although this is a light roast, it is a mighty tasty and sweet espresso. We tend to extract lighter roasts a little longer to bring enough soluble into the cup. If you are not a fan of citrus and juice, this is not for you. We have been running this in our standard recipes: 16-17g into 34g for milk based drinks. 16-17g into 45 for straight espresso, as we/I like a little more liquid in a shot personally.
Farm Info
Mr. Tsegaye Hagos set up Ye Genet, having successfully run Sasaba mill for some years. Tsegaye has attracted many of the best growers in the area, to his mill, as he rewards growers for quality and consistency.
Unlike almost everywhere else in Ethiopia, coffee is picked selectively and at the peak of ripeness . Farmers work with the same varieties and use a systematic farming system to produce more uniform beans. The conditions in the surrounding area are also excellent. Fertile red-brown soil that is rich in iron. Young and vital coffee trees. And astonishing altitudes that surpass 2000 m.a.s.l.