• Decaffeinated Fazenda Klem Filter 

Decaffeinated Fazenda Klem Filter

From: £5.30

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Decaffeinated Fazenda Klem Filter

Decaffeinated Fazenda Klem Filter Roast

Decaffeinated coffee has been somewhat of a challenge for us, as it is a small percentage of the coffee we sell but the quality and integrity is still really important to us. After profiling this lot for a filter, we made a batch brew and put it out for general consumption in the roastery. The uptake was surprisingly enthusiastic and the fastest three-litre brew we have consumed in a long time. If you didn’t know this was a decaf and you weren’t looking for it, you would be excused for not tasting it. We are happy with this one and it will be around for a while to come. Let us know how you get on.

Farm: Fazenda Klem
Area: Matas de Minas
Country: Brazil
Varietal: Catuai
Process: Co2 Decaffeinated, Fully Washed.
Altitude: 900-1250 Meters above sea level

Roast: Developed Filter Roast.
Cup Potential: Rich, chocolaty, savoury and a little white nut. It is just so easy to drink. Minimal decaff taste.

Fazenda Klem made it to 3rd place in the Brazilian Cup of Excellence last year, scoring a whopping 91 points. The Klem family have been in coffee for almost 70 years and today they have partners they share their production with on a profit share.

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