• CostaRicaVolcanAzulDoubleFermentation

Costa Rica Volcan Azul San Isidro Double Fermentation

From: £9.00

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Costa Rica Volcan Azul San Isidro

Costa Rica Volcan Azul San Isidro Double Fermentation

If San Isidro Double Fermentation were a fable, by Hans Christian Anderson, it would be the Ugly Duckling. When we received the sample from Alejo, we roasted it very lightly and it tasted unusual. This became our “Marmite” coffee. Love it or hate it. It wasn’t until we got around to profiling it in a “Grown-up” roaster that it all made sense. I would go as far as to say that it is the most balanced and delicious of the San Isidro lots we have had. He hangs his head in shame…the coffee that almost wasn’t.

Here it is. The end of last season’s vacuum bricks from Volcan Azul Costa Rica and our fourth process of San Isidro. This week I have committed to more coffee from Alejo for this season, which should be with us in late Summer. How lucky are we?

If you are half as keen on Volcan Azul  (as I am) and the ethos that comes with 5 generations and 150 years of producing coffee. This will not disappoint.

Farm Stats

(Top Trumps if you prefer)

Farmer: Alejo Castro

Farm; Volcan Azul

Area: Alajuela, Costa Rica.

Established: 1850, 5th generation farm.

Hectares: 55

Altitude: 1540-1720 Meters above sea level

Varietal: San Isidro (A local Costa Rican hardy triple-crossed F1 varietal crossed to thrive)

Process: Double Fermentation

Roast: One Roast 

Cup Potential 🥣

Aromatics: All things chocolate | Body:Light to silky  | Acidity: Soft & grapefruity  |

On opening the Double fermentation from Volcan Azul is more like roasted cocoa than coffee in the initial stages. Imagine the darkest chocolate with a hint of kombucha-like wildness and the beginnings of a citrus element. After a little while the citrus comes to the fore, with a solid background of dark chocolate. There are no extremes in the cup. I would suggest this is no “Cup of sugar” and errs on the side of savoury, intrigue and depth.

On cooling the citrus elevates the cup. I want to use the word sweet, but it’s not, it’s balance.

Filter Recipe:  60-65g per litre is great. I have brewed this through cupping bowls and filters and I like this best in a clever-dripper or cafeteiere.

Espresso Potential.

Recipe: 17g-18g of coffee into 34g-36g of espresso liquid for milk-based drinks. 93.5C and above seem to work well. I used the cheapest commercial grinder in the showroom (Anfim Pratica) to make it replicable elsewhere.

9oz Milk-based drink:  Bold, malty, savoury, intriguing, cocoa.

6oz Milk-based drink: Rich deep dark chocolate, cocoa butter, cocoa just wow.

Espresso: Go long! 45, 50 even 55g of liquid.  This works nicely into the late 20-second to early thirties. Dark chocolate, umami, cocoa, grapefruit. The espresso is shy compared to how it tastes in milk.

Quick brewing thought with this one. I could only really dial this coffee in well, closer to 18g, as the grinder I was using was hard to keep consistency.

If you fancy sharing your brews with us, there is always JG Instagram





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