• Colombian Filter Roast Tablon de Gomez

Colombian Filter Roast Tablon de Gomez

From: £5.00

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Colombian Filter Roast Tablon de Gomez

Colombian Tablon de Gomez

This is the first of a few coffees that we are going to keep for you, that are well-sourced, delicious but at an affordable price point. I wrote a little piece about what lies ahead for coffee in 2022 here. Don’t worry it’s short, light-hearted and a commitment from us, for the next 6 months and beyond.

On another note, this coffee has been so refreshing and reminded me how much I love simple, clean-washed coffees. We have a great line-up of washed coffees for 2022, to avoid just becoming obsessed with anaerobic naturals.

Top Trumps:

Tablon de Gomez: 

Country: Colombia

Region: Nariño

Town: Tablon de Gomez

Process: Fully washed

Altitude range: 1800-2100 meters

Varietals: Caturra, Colombia, Typica

Roast; Standard light filter.

Cup potential.

Aromatics: Fresh and bright fruity     Body: Light   Acidity: Sweet, juicy green apple

When this coffee gets down to drinking temperature, for me it is juicy bright green apple acidity, shortbread, and brown sugary sweetness, followed by a cocoa finish. On cooling, the brown sugar theme continues and deepens to maple-like and as the coffee cools right down there is a satisfying citrus linger. Relatively simple, super tasty easy drinking delicious filter coffee.

Filter Recipe:

We have been brewing this at a starting point of 60g per litre in filter and 65g+ in full immersion.

Farm(er) Info

This coffee is from Cofinet, sourced on the ground from small producers, by a coffee-producing family. Narino is some of the highest-grown coffee in the world, bordering Ecuador. In the Narino region, there are many (40,000+)  smallholder farms. The average farm size is approximately 2 hectares. The environmental conditions are perfect for slow-maturing coffee, which can be attributed to depth of flavour. Tablon de Gomez has mostly indigenous smallholder producers. Coffee is often produced as a community, helping one another at different stages of the harvest.

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