I am writing this little note on a morning, late in May and it is trying so hard to be bright, warm and rain-free.
For us there is more to a country’s coffee than a blend. The sheer variety of flavour that we get from some of the tiniest farms. This season we have anything from raspberry milkshake to toasted grain and chocolate in flavour profiles. It’s incredibly diverse.
Over the last few years, we have almost punished some of you, as you just want great Guatemalan coffee ALL-YEAR-LONG. This is a bit wrong of us in some respects as we have run-out in January and subsequently leave you with few options that can deliver what Chapin does. This is because we feel that the coffees as singles start to lose their integrity as light (revealing) roasts.
The plan is that we are going to try and do better this year We have increased our purchasing by 40% (on last year) and this should keep us going all the way through (fingers crossed).